Source code for ipyannotations.generic.classification

"""A widget to assign a single class to each data point."""

from typing import Sequence, Union

import ipywidgets as widgets
import traitlets

from ..base import LabellingWidgetMixin
from ..controls.buttongroup import ButtonGroup
from ..controls.dropdownbutton import DropdownButton
from .generic_mixin import GenericWidgetMixin, default_display_function

[docs]class ClassLabeller(GenericWidgetMixin, LabellingWidgetMixin, widgets.VBox): """ A classification widget. This widget is designed to assign one class (a string label) to each data point. Choose a class by clicking the corresponding button, the value in the corresponding dropdown (if there isn't space for all buttons), or by using the hotkeys 1-0. Hotkeys are mapped in the order in which the classes appear. """ allow_freetext = traitlets.Bool(True) options = traitlets.List(list(), allow_none=True) max_buttons = traitlets.Integer(12) data: str def __init__( self, options: Sequence[str] = (), max_buttons: int = 12, allow_freetext: bool = True, display_function=default_display_function, *args, **kwargs, ): """Create a widget for classification labelling. Parameters ---------- options : Sequence[str], optional The classes, by default () max_buttons : int, optional The number of buttons to allow, before switching to a dropdown menu, by default 12 allow_freetext : bool, optional If a text box should be available for new classes, by default True display_function : callable, optional The function called to display a data point, by default default_display_function """ super().__init__( allow_freetext=allow_freetext, display_function=display_function, *args, **kwargs, ) # type: ignore self.sort_button = widgets.Button( description="Sort options", icon="sort" ) self.sort_button.on_click(self._sort_options) self.options = [str(option) for option in options] self._fixed_options = [option for option in self.options] self.max_buttons = max_buttons self._compose() def _sort_options(self, change=None): self.options = list(sorted(self.options))
[docs] def submit( # type: ignore self, sender: Union[widgets.Button, widgets.Text] ): """Trigger the submission functions. Parameters ---------- sender : ipywidgets.Button, ipywidgets.Text The widget that triggered this. """ if isinstance(sender, widgets.Text) and sender.value: value = sender.value # check if this is a new option: if value not in self.options: self.options = self.options + [value] sender.value = "" else: value = sender.description = value super().submit()
@traitlets.observe("options", "max_buttons") def _compose(self, change=None): if len(self.options) <= self.max_buttons: self.control_elements = ButtonGroup(self.options) else: self.control_elements = DropdownButton(self.options) self.control_elements.on_click(self.submit) self.children = [ widgets.Box( (self.display_widget,), layout=widgets.Layout( justify_content="center", padding="2.5% 0", display="flex", width="100%", ), ), self.control_elements, widgets.HBox( [ self.freetext_widget, widgets.HBox( [self.sort_button, self.skip_button, self.undo_button] ), ], layout=widgets.Layout(justify_content="space-between"), ), ] def _handle_keystroke(self, event): # the default enter shouldn't apply if event.get("key") == "Enter": return super()._handle_keystroke(event) keys = [str(i) for i in range(1, 10)] + ["0"] for key, btn in zip(keys, self.control_elements.buttons.values()): if event.get("key") == key: self.submit(btn)